Let’s talk
Communication is crucial for learning, relationships and behaviour.

Your dream. Our help. Your success.

We teach fundamental life skills.
Finding the ‘fun’ in function.
Occupational Therapists engaging with play and fun activities.
Seeing the world differently.
We develop and improve listening skills.
Change the world... One child at a time.
Offering communication services to pre-school & school aged children.

Two Can Talk 

We are based in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, and can also
offer our Teletherapy services nationwide.

If you need a specialist therapist in your local area please fill in our CONTACT FORM.
We will then review your information and contact you to discuss next steps.

Speech & Language

Two Can Talk assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of communication difficulties.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists use play and engaging, fun activities to address a variety of issues.


Our qualified staff offer a range of training packages for individuals and schools.


We can work with your child over the internet rather than seeing them face to face.

We are dedicated to each one of our clients, adapting our professional services to their individual needs.

"My son has come on in leaps and bounds with his speech which has increased his self esteem and confidence ..."
“Marguerite's dedication to my daughter's speech is immeasurable, she has been nothing but supportive making sure our girl is taken care of...”


 We have a brand new, well equipped clinic in Littleport, near Ely in Cambridgeshire.  There are several treatment rooms and many of our lovely team are based there.  We may be able to visit your child at home or school if they live in Cambridgeshire or West Suffolk.  If you live further afield please do contact us to discuss our bespoke assessment and treatment packages.

We have a friendly and experienced team of therapists and therapy assistants.  We will match your child to the best fit therapist to meet their needs, taking into account where you live.

We believe that every child is an individual and so we will take great care to work out the best plan for them.  We will start with a thorough assessment and then work out the next steps.  We can see your child frequently every week or offer you advice with a follow up every few months. We will regularly review how your child is getting on and discuss with you.  We will see your child as long as they need our help.  When your child has achieved their goals we love to see them fly, but we will always be here for you when you need us!  

We try to keep our waiting list to a minimum and sometimes we don’t have a waiting list at all, our admin assistants will be happy to update you. Contact us. 

 We are an independent therapy company and we are very happy to work alongside our NHS colleagues if your child is also receiving their services.

Whilst we are primarily a service for children and young people, we do also work with adults with certain communication difficulties.  Please contact us to find out more.

Please complete the new enquiries form or call us on 07704 306596.
You can also EMAIL US

Get in Touch

If you need a specialist therapist in your local area please fill in our  CONTACT FORM.
We will then review your information and contact you to discuss next steps.
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.00pm

Mags Kirk

I’m Mags, the director of a wonderful team that provides speech and language therapy and occupational therapy for babies, children and young adults. I’m originally from the good old North, brought up in a small village on the outskirts of Sheffield. Since graduating in 2003, I have lived in Cambridgeshire, with my three gorgeous children!

My passion for speech therapy started when my mum organised a work placement with a family friend who was a Speech Therapist. For as long as I can remember, I was interested in how I can help people. I was 14 then and I haven’t looked back!

I have been involved with speech and language therapy ever since. I had the privilege of a very supportive NHS team, and my amazing boss taught me how to expand my inquisitive mind and always ask questions: “Why does that work?”, “What do we need to do next to get the outcome we need?” I had countless opportunities to learn from many fabulous people in the field. The learning never ends.

Ray Snell

I’m Ray, my position within Two Can Talk is Creative Manager! I’m also Mags’ partner. Career wise I was an electrician and then a fire alarm engineer, both of which draw on my natural ability to problem solve and use logic. In the 1990s I was the key founder in setting up a youth and community centre and here I met Mags, who volunteered for the project for several years. In the decade or so that it was open we saw hundreds of the local children and youth come to a place that was simply there for them.
During the first COVID lockdown I noticed that Mags was able to accomplish more different tasks in a week than any one I have ever seen but I saw that Mags needed help to get a structure so that she could delegate, thus enabling her to continue her mission of helping as many families as is humanly possible. I have found a natural place within TCT making gentle observations and then creating systems to give better visibility of what is happening in the business.

I believe that in all spheres of life everyone has things they have the most knowledge and insight on. I can see that over time my role will keep changing and I feel will continue to revolve around finding creative ways to improve all we do.

I have a few personal loves including photography, dancing and running.

Taru Launiainen

My name is Taru Launiainen and I’m originally from a city called Tampere in southern Finland. After having my fill of the arctic winters, I opted to move to the (slightly less chilly) city of Edinburgh in Scotland to study and have since found myself settled in Cambridgeshire with my partner and our often disgruntled, but occasionally affectionate rescue cat.

I studied psychology and neuroscience at university and stumbled upon speech and language therapy while working with children within a school setting. The blend of evidence-based practice with an ethos of being guided by the individual needs of children and their unique families felt intuitively right for me. I knew this was a profession that I wanted to be a part of! So, after completing a postgraduate degree in speech and language therapy this year, I’m truly over the moon to be joining the Two can Talk family!

I have always wanted to enter a profession that has a positive and meaningful impact on the day to day lives of individuals. I’m thrilled to be able to work with Mags and the team to deliver therapy in a holistic, client-centred, and individually tailored way. I don’t believe that ‘one size fits all’ and I am committed to supporting each child to find their own individual form of expression and to reach their potential.

Marguerite Gaynor

I’m Marguerite Gaynor and I am a Speech and Language Therapist. I am originally from Ireland but moved to the UK for university. I have over a decade of experience working with children learning English as a second language and I have a particular interest in supporting children who have language and social communication issues.

Speech and Language Therapy is my passion and through luck and taking a chance, I connected with Two Can Talk and the company director Mags. At Two Can Talk, I have the opportunity to delve into the world of teletherapy.

The three most important things in life are my husband, my family and my dog Sherlock.

Kelly Henson

I fell into the TCT team as I was Mags’ nanny. I had an interest in what she was doing and she asked me if I would consider switching roles and become her assistant which I was excited to do. What I love most about being a part of the TCT team is watching my clients grow and progress with their communication and how each session and child is different.

I feel that I can bring value to my clients as I have worked with children of all ages for many years in all different environments, so I feel that I can use tools from my past to help me in my sessions.

I am close with my family, I have one sister and two nephews. I have a love for animals, particularly dogs and horses. I enjoy spending lots of time with my animals, I go riding when I can. I also enjoy keeping active, I like running and taking part in races throughout the year.

The three most important things to me are my family and friends, my animals and living my life the best way I can and fulfilling all my personal goals.

Jude Harbour

I’m Jude Harbour and I’m an independent Speech and Language Therapist.

I’m originally from Sunderland and I studied in Leeds for my BSc in Clinical Language Sciences. I also trained in Applied Theology and Youth Ministry.

After university, I worked as a children’s and youth worker, which gave me a family-centred approach. I also have mentoring experience which helped me understand the challenges older teenagers face during transitions in their lives.

When my family moved to Cambridge in December 2017, I looked for a role in an independent practice. I felt better able to support children in this setting, where the speech and language therapists look after a wide variety of children with differing needs. Working at Two Can Talk provided this opportunity.

In my role I travel around the region meeting children with a range of needs. No one day is the same. I set achievable targets and I work closely with our speech and language therapy assistant. I work in homes and schools, regularly attend reviews, and meet many children, parents and professionals.

My speech and language therapy experience is broad. I am able to provide an individual service to each child, as well as employing a ‘whole team approach’, working alongside parents and education staff.

My personal mission is to see every child achieve their individual potential. The three most important things to me are my faith, my family and helping people live life to the fullest.

Taru Launiainen

My name is Taru Launiainen and I’m originally from a city called Tampere in southern Finland. After having my fill of the arctic winters, I opted to move to the (slightly less chilly) city of Edinburgh in Scotland to study and have since found myself settled in Cambridgeshire with my partner and our often disgruntled, but occasionally affectionate rescue cat.

I studied psychology and neuroscience at university and stumbled upon speech and language therapy while working with children within a school setting. The blend of evidence-based practice with an ethos of being guided by the individual needs of children and their unique families felt intuitively right for me. I knew this was a profession that I wanted to be a part of! So, after completing a postgraduate degree in speech and language therapy this year, I’m truly over the moon to be joining the Two can Talk family!

I have always wanted to enter a profession that has a positive and meaningful impact on the day to day lives of individuals. I’m thrilled to be able to work with Mags and the team to deliver therapy in a holistic, client-centred, and individually tailored way. I don’t believe that ‘one size fits all’ and I am committed to supporting each child to find their own individual form of expression and to reach their potential.

Jane Martin

I’m Jane and I am an independent Speech and Language Therapist. I grew up in Histon in Cambridge, but now live in Ely, Cambridgeshire. I live with my teenage son and a rather bad tempered, but occasionally affectionate cat!

Years ago, I worked as a teaching assistant for hearing impaired children in a special school. One day, the headteacher kindly told me, “Stop hiding your light under a bushel”. That’s when I looked into Speech and Language Therapy.

I came to Two Can Talk after working with Mags in a previous role. I have always respected her knowledge and drive. We got back in touch with each other after having a client in common, so when Mags offered me a role working with her, I was flattered, so I said yes!

I love working with clients to assess, plan and deliver effective therapy and strategies. Two Can Talk gives me the time to do this without constraints, so I can provide professional support with a caring approach. Whenever I work with a child, I assess the entire family and offer advice that works for the family as a whole.

My personal mission is to ensure my son is happy and able to cope with the challenges of life, and to be the best therapist I can be, doing a job I love. My son, his happiness and creating good memories together, are the most important things in my life.

Emma Halls

I’m Emma Halls and I’m a Speech and Language Therapist.

I’m originally from East London, but I now live in Suffolk with my husband, and my two children, who desperately want a dog… or a dinosaur! My hobbies include music and art, and you’ll recognise me from my distinctive East End accent!

My past work provides a solid foundation to help young people with speech and language issues. I also have extensive knowledge of dinosaurs and tractors so my young clients and I can communicate better with each other!

The expertise of our manager Mags, along with my desire to help others brought me to Two Can Talk. I particularly enjoy the passion and support of the team and how well we work together.

I believe that everyone should have a voice. I want my clients to fulfil their full potential by helping them be heard and understood.

The three most important things to me are my family, my health and my home.

Candida Kent

Hello my name is Candida Kent and I am from Missouri in the USA. I have been a paediatric Occupational Therapist for 22 years and have lived and worked all over the globe. I am now settled in Norfolk with my husband, two amazing daughters, and a cheeky black lab named Jasmine.

I chose to be an Occupational Therapist after meeting and mentoring with an amazing paediatric Occupational Therapist when I was in my late 20s. I loved (and still love) the idea of helping parents support their children to achieve independence and happiness. I love how every family and child is different and I love learning from the families I work with, as well as from my colleagues.

Some of my areas of special interest include sensory processing challenges, sensory and oral motor feeding issues, addressing fine motor skills to improve functional skills such as dressing and handwriting, and providing developmental follow ups for babies born prematurely. My background has given me the privilege of working with children with a variety of complex diagnoses including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, and genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and Angelman Syndrome.

I am very excited to join Mags and the Two Can Talk team. As developmental skills can be closely entwined, I look forward to learning from them as well as sharing my knowledge.

The three most important things in my life are my family and friends (both here and abroad), giving back to the community and helping others in need, and continuing to grow as a person and a professional.

Becky Frewin

I’m Becky Frewin and I’m a Speech and Language Therapist. I’m from Colchester, but I now live in Ely with my husband, and two daughters. As a mum I empathise with parents of young children going through difficulties. I enjoy working with a wide range of clients, putting experience into practice and developing knowledge in new areas.

I have many experience in Speech and Language Therapy and have worked in education and healthcare with people of all ages. I have a certificate in British Sign Language Level 1, trained in introductory Cued Speech, and I am working towards TalkTools Level 1 accreditation.

Speech and language therapy is important to be because of my love for language and helping people. At Two Can Talk, I offer clinical specialties that complement the existing team.

My personal mission is to do my best for the families I work with by being kind, considerate and friendly. The three most important things in my life are my husband and two daughters.

Amy Partridge

I’m Amy Partridge and I’m so excited to be part of the Two Can Talk family. My motto is that every child deserves a voice and it’s my mission to make this happen. Each child is different and therefore it’s vital that therapy is tailored to their individual needs. Adaptability is key!

My first degree was in English Language and during this time I spent a year working in Barcelona as a Conversation Assistant; this is where my passion for speech and language therapy really took off. I learned just how vital communication is and the impact a communication difficulty can have on the lives of individuals and their loved ones. From then on, there’s been no looking back.

I’ve always loved helping people. Previous roles include working with children who have various difficulties associated with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Autism, amongst others. I have a keen interest in complex needs and this is an area I am extremely passionate about. Watch this space!

My manager and the company director, Mags, is an absolute inspiration and I am very lucky to be part of such a fabulous company. I am one of several therapists within the team, which gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and strive to be the best we can be, both for the team and our clients. We regularly attend training courses, ensuring our clinical knowledge is both up to date and relevant, achieving the best outcomes for our clients.

The three most important things to me are love, making memories and my family!

Claire Pickard

I am a Speech and Language Assistant for Two Can Talk. I support speech therapists to implement programmes that ensure the children we work with reach their targets and make as much progress as is possible.

I am originally from Croydon, South London and surprisingly studied Archaeology as my Bachelors degree. This was an amazing opportunity to travel the world, experience new cultures and eat fantastic food (I love to eat!). During my time at University I also worked in special schools supporting children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and it was this work that inspired me to train as a teacher. I gained my Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Cambridge in 2002, with a specialism in SEND. I have lived in Cambridge ever since. During my time as a teacher, I taught all of the Primary Year groups and worked as a Special Needs Co-ordinator and Deputy Headteacher before qualifying as a Head teacher in 2010. I loved my eleven years working as a Headteacher and during this period I was appointed as a National Leader of Education, supporting struggling schools to improve.

Also whilst working as a Head, I became the proud mother of two sons. My youngest was born with a genetic disorder, cerebral palsy and epilepsy. When he was very small and the NHS would not help him I contacted Two Can Talk for some advice and Mags supported us in teaching him to speak. He is now seven years old and despite all of the negative forecasts when he was younger, does speak and is able to communicate effectively. Working with Mags and the Two Can Talk team was an absolute pleasure and it was this experience that made me determined to pursue a change of direction in my career.

I am eager to use my broad range of experience, both personal and professional, to work in partnership with parents to help their child realise their potential. I believe all children should be given the tools they need to communicate effectively and it is a joy to work with a team of like minded individuals that all go the extra mile to ensure every child has the best chance possible.

Taru Launiainen

My name is Taru Launiainen and I’m originally from a city called Tampere in southern Finland. After having my fill of the arctic winters, I opted to move to the (slightly less chilly) city of Edinburgh in Scotland to study and have since found myself settled in Cambridgeshire with my partner and our often disgruntled, but occasionally affectionate rescue cat.

I studied psychology and neuroscience at university and stumbled upon speech and language therapy while working with children within a school setting. The blend of evidence-based practice with an ethos of being guided by the individual needs of children and their unique families felt intuitively right for me. I knew this was a profession that I wanted to be a part of! So, after completing a postgraduate degree in speech and language therapy this year, I’m truly over the moon to be joining the Two can Talk family!

I have always wanted to enter a profession that has a positive and meaningful impact on the day to day lives of individuals. I’m thrilled to be able to work with Mags and the team to deliver therapy in a holistic, client-centred, and individually tailored way. I don’t believe that ‘one size fits all’ and I am committed to supporting each child to find their own individual form of expression and to reach their potential.

Ellie Kimberley

I’m Ellie and I’m a Speech and Language Therapist.

I grew up in Ely, Cambridgeshire, before moving to Reading for four years to complete my Speech and Language Therapy degree. After graduating in 2018, I moved back to Cambridgeshire, and now live in Cottenham with my husband Joseph.

I always had a passion for English language and linguistics, but I wanted to use those skills to help others. Speech and Language Therapy was the perfect combination for me! After I graduated, I spent over three years working with adults in a hospital, where I worked with people recovering from stroke, traumatic brain injury and other neurological conditions, and across the general acute wards.

I am so excited to be working at Two Can Talk (TCT). It is very important to me to make a real difference to the individuals I work with, and to provide a holistic and individually-tailored approach, and TCT provides those opportunities, alongside valuable training and experience in a wide variety of areas.

Outside work, I most enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I love classical music, beautiful gardens and architecture, classic literature, cats, baking, and playing the piano.

Katie Moulson

I am from Norwich but my partner and I now live in Bury St Edmunds.
I joined Two Can Talk in July 2021 and I’m so excited to be part of this amazing team. I believe that every child should be given the best opportunity at life and communication is such a key part of this.

My love for Speech and Language Therapy started when my Mum received Therapy for a paralysed vocal cord. I was mesmerised by how you could help someone’s voice and talking without physically manipulating anything. I wanted to help people in the same way that lady helped my Mum and that is where my passion for the job came from. After completing a Level 3 in Childcare and Education and then continuing to Speech and Language Therapy, I am so excited to finally embark on my adventures as a Speech and Language Therapist and help make a difference to children and families lives.

I have a particular interest in early language development and hope to specialise in feeding therapy as I become a more experienced therapist.

The three most important things to me are happiness, my family and friends and making memories.

Hayley Andrew

My name is Hayley Andrew and I support the business functions here at TCT.

I joined the TCT team in 2021 having held previous roles mentoring adults with additional needs and working closely with children with communication difficulties in a special school. I have seen first-hand the difference that the right therapy (and therapist!) can make to both a child and parents life; this is one of the reasons why I was so excited to join the Two Can Talk team.

I have a natural desire to help and support people – My supportive nature extends to my personal life, as I am a certified Counsellor, Coach and Mentor and regularly support members of my local community.

Outside of work you can usually find me walking my big retired racing Greyhound Jim, with my incredible partner Alex and our rambunctious daughter around the beautiful rural Cambridgeshire countryside – my happy place.

Rachael Snell

I Joined the Two Can Talk team as an admin assistant in September 2021 to help out with the increased admin work of a growing company. In my previous employment I was a teaching assistant in Rotherham and Sheffield which I did for around 15 years, before that I did various nursery and nannying roles.

Chelsea Honeywood

I’m Chelsea, and I’m one of the Administration Assistants for Two Can Talk. I have worked for Mags for 8 years as a Nanny to her three wonderful children. I have now stepped into the role of Admin Assistant to help make sure everything runs smoothly.

I’m a mum to the cutest little boy, Oscar, and four year old cockapoo, Buddy. I really enjoy the organisation side of the job and also speaking with clients. I love that I can work from home and see Oscar grow and learn alongside working.

I really enjoy family time with my husband, Oscar and Buddy, seeing my friends and hitting my goals on my peloton bike.

Portia McIntosh

I’m Portia and I have recently relocated to rural Cambridgeshire from South Yorkshire. I live with my husband and my two little boys, who have taught me far too much about dinosaurs and Minecraft, if you know you know! I qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist in 2008 and have worked in NHS, Education and private sectors. I have always had a great passion for working with children, helping them to develop and learn new skills. Before training as a speech therapist I volunteered in a school for Special Educational Needs and also worked as a Nanny in Spain, which is where I became so interested in how children learn to communicate.

I am very excited to join Two Can Talk, the team is great, very dedicated to developing children’s communication skills and to supporting one another. There is a wide breadth of knowledge and expertise and I feel privileged to be part of such a dynamic team. The three most important things to me are my family and friends, happiness and the great outdoors!

Dayanara Enriquez

I am Dayanara, one of the Occupational Therapists at Two Can Talk. I have a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy and have been helping children and their families for more than 6 years. Before moving to the UK, I worked as a school-based paediatric occupational therapist in the Philippines for 2 years and as a clinic-based paediatric occupational therapist in the UAE for almost 4 years. Working with individuals with special needs is important to me because seeing the child be as independent as they can be while engaging in activities that are meaningful to them and seeing the family happy is very fulfilling. I am a Level 1 SOS trained feeding therapist.
As an Occupational Therapist with varied experience, I bring to TCT my background in conducting OT assessments and evaluation and providing holistic and individualised treatment interventions to help children develop their fine motor, gross motor, visual perceptual and sensory processing skills, which are necessary for successful participation in the home, clinic, and the community. My grandmother and my mother were both social workers. Growing up, I have seen how helping families has made them happy and that’s when my passion for helping started. I am happy to be a part of the TCT team in helping more children and their families, as well as to grow as a person and as a professional.
The three most important things in my life are my loved ones (both here and abroad), helping more families and making memories

Taru Launiainen

My name is Taru Launiainen and I’m originally from a city called Tampere in southern Finland. After having my fill of the arctic winters, I opted to move to the (slightly less chilly) city of Edinburgh in Scotland to study and have since found myself settled in Cambridgeshire with my partner and our often disgruntled, but occasionally affectionate rescue cat.

I studied psychology and neuroscience at university and stumbled upon speech and language therapy while working with children within a school setting. The blend of evidence-based practice with an ethos of being guided by the individual needs of children and their unique families felt intuitively right for me. I knew this was a profession that I wanted to be a part of! So, after completing a postgraduate degree in speech and language therapy this year, I’m truly over the moon to be joining the Two can Talk family!

I have always wanted to enter a profession that has a positive and meaningful impact on the day to day lives of individuals. I’m thrilled to be able to work with Mags and the team to deliver therapy in a holistic, client-centred, and individually tailored way. I don’t believe that ‘one size fits all’ and I am committed to supporting each child to find their own individual form of expression and to reach their potential.

Joanna Herrberg

Hello! I am Joanna and I am a Speech Therapist. I have just recently moved here from the USA and I am so happy to be part of this TCT team. I have one gorgeous daughter, who I left back in the states and a wonderful cat who has accompanied me on this big adventure. My education is from Indiana University in Indiana. My undergrad and graduate time was wonderful and I have fond memories of my years there. Since then I have traveled throughout the US and have lived all along the east and west coasts. I just recently was living in Washington State in the Pacific Northwest.

I have way too many years experience to count and have loved every minute of it. My clinical experience includes working in private practice, schools, acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, and outpatient rehabilitation.Throughout my time as a speech therapist, I have gained experience in all areas of speech and language with a concentration in recent years working with students with autism and helping them reach a higher ability to communicate either verbally or with the use of pictures, signs or communication devices.

My goal as a speech therapist is to help both students and their families gain a better understanding of their speech deficits and build a community where everyone can work together to help the student achieve their goals.

Vicky Fayers

I’m Vicky, a married mum of two adult boys and I have recently achieved my dream of becoming a speech and language therapist – it has been a journey! It began when my youngest son faced speech difficulties, leading to a diagnosis of expressive language delay. After numerous sessions of speech therapy, fast forward 16 years, and he’s headed to university to study mathematics. Nowadays we would say he sometimes talks too much!
My background is in childcare and education, where I was a teaching assistant and higher-level teaching assistant supporting communication, learning and behaviour across various settings, such as primary schools, specialist provisions and pupil referral units. I also worked for a year as a speech and language therapy assistant supporting adults in an acute hospital setting. However, I really missed working with children.
Alongside my educational roles, I pursued an Open University degree in childhood and youth studies while my children were still in school. This served as a stepping stone toward my completion of a masters in speech and language therapy.
My diverse experiences as both a parent and a professional have equipped me with valuable insights and expertise that enrich my current role. I approach each child holistically, recognizing their individuality, and I greatly value the collaborative efforts of families and fellow professionals. My deepest passion lies in facilitating effective communication in all its forms.
The three most important things to me are my family, supporting individuals and their families in improving communication, and my garden – I am plant-obsessed!

Alexis Rancier

My name is Alexis, and I am so excited to be starting with Two Can Talk. I have been working in healthcare since 2014, where l I fell in love with occupational therapy. It matches my values of being holistic and person centred, as everyone should be seen as an individual and have meaningful therapy. I also love building rapport and ensuring everyone feels comfortable, as therapy pushes us to improve, which can be hard at times.

I have a wide range of skills, from working in the busy environments of big hospitals, homes, schools, and rehab facilities. I have been lucky to work with a range of conditions, including stroke, traumatic brain and spinal injuries, and a range of neurological disorders. Not only have I been able to work with teenagers and older people; but have a passion for helping children of all ages. I believe the sooner we are able to find strategies, interventions and things to help people cope, the better they will adapt and learn to grow in the big world in front of them.

I love working with the TCT team, as our excellent skills and tools aid in supporting us grow as therapists, as well as helping the families who let us into their lives.

Outside of work, I love to be around family, friends (here and in Canada), and our little pup Lola. I love to be outside, camping, hiking, yoga and reading lots of books!

Tessa Page

I’m Tessa and I am excited to be part of the Two Can Talk family! I grew up in the Suffolk countryside before crossing the border into Cambridgeshire where I now live with my partner, our puppy, our cat and a couple of guinea pigs.
Helping others to be happy and achieve their full potential has always been important to me. Prior to being a speech and language therapist, I was fortunate enough to work in an outstanding school for five years as a teaching assistant. Having supported children with a variety of needs, it was here that I had my introduction to the wonderful world of speech therapy and how important the ability to communicate is. From this role, I went on to complete my bachelors in speech and language therapy. I look forward to learning from a friendly, supportive and knowledgeable team here at Two Can Talk whilst providing fun, holistic and person-centred therapy to children and their families.

Outside work, I enjoy spending time with friends, family and my animals. I like baking, walking my energetic spaniel Daisy, exploring new places and reading

Kalyn Mahinay

Hi, my name is Kalyn. I am a Paediatric Occupational Therapist specialized in autism and learning disability. I have many years of experience working with children from different clinical settings ranging from hospital Paediatric ICU in-patients, early intervention autism outpatient clinics and in schools.

As I started my professional journey as an OT, I became interested in Special Education which then led me to earn Masteral Units in Special Education. Currently, I am finishing my dissertation for my Doctoral in OT. Supporting my clinical judgement and skills in my practice I continuously update myself with valued certification courses that are related to OT.

I am a hardworking clinician who is also a mother of three and a loving wife. I am thrilled to be part of TCT to acquire mastery and to share my skills as an OT.

Nicola Pleming

Hi, my name is Nicola and I am originally from Cape Town (South Africa). I did my undergraduate in teaching and then completed my Masters in Occupational Therapy.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I taught 5-6 year olds and then decided to pursue my dream of traveling the world by working in the kids club onboard cruise ships. This experience gave me the opportunity to see some beautiful places and I got to meet some lovely people from around the world. I then returned back to Cape Town to be a special needs teacher (working specifically in an ASD school). As a special needs teacher, I worked very closely with the OTs at the school and I witnessed with my own eyes how OTs can empower others by giving them the ability to gain independence so that they can lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

My previous jobs and life experiences has given me the opportunity to work with a variety of complex diagnosis including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome and Foetal Alcohol syndrome. I have always had a passion for working with children (of all ages) and I truly enjoy supporting others to reach their full potential. I believe that it takes a little support, empathy, and compassion to inspire great accomplishment, and this is exactly what I want to do.

If you don’t find me at work, I will most likely be in nature, either swimming at the beach (in summer of course) and hiking mountains. I enjoy running and spending time with friends and family. I have a very sassy ginger cat and I really want to get a dog soon. I almost always stop to pet other people’s dogs when I see them.

I am very excited to be a part of the Two Can Talk team and I am looking forward to supporting lots of children and families in their therapy journey.

Becky Szaniawska

I’m Becky, a Paediatric Occupational Therapist. I’ve worked in schools, community services, and hospitals, and have been working with children and families for 10 years.

My background is in Psychology – this was my first degree, and I worked as an assistant psychologist at a CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) after spending 5 years working in a school for Deaf children with additional needs. The reason I chose to train as Occupational Therapist is that I saw the value and huge potential in being able to work with people on what they valued most, through the occupations that are meaningful to them. I love being able to bring my knowledge and experience of Psychology to help people work on specific occupational goals. I, just like TCT, believe that every person has potential, and I get a lot of joy from helping people move forward in a direction they want.

I am fluent in British Sign Language (BSL), and I’m very interested in communication in general – I’ve seen how this can influence emotional regulation and development. I have specific experience in working with young people with Autism, ADHD, and those who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). But part of the reason I love OT is that we are always learning new things and expanding our knowledge.

When i’m not working I enjoy crafts like knitting and sewing, yoga and ballet, and reading or walking. I also collect rocks from places i’ve visited. I’m trying my hand at gardening and have had success with a chilli plant, aubergine, and a courgette so far – I won’t talk about the less successful plants!

Clodagh Williams

I’m Clodagh and I am starting my Speech and Language Therapist journey with the TCT family. I have lived in Cambridgeshire my whole life and I am excited to support as many children and families in and around Cambridgeshire.

During my years at university, I worked for the local council supporting children and young people with a range of physical and intellectual disabilities during the school holidays. Working with children and young people alongside my studies allowed me to see the impact communication needs can have on their ability to access experiences and activities. Seeing this motivates me further to give everyone a voice and make the world an accessible place for everyone.

I believe that every child deserves a voice. Seeing the impact which a simple change in communication style can have on the child, but also their families. I strive towards child led therapy which is fun and engaging and individualised to the child’s goals and preferences.

Some fun facts about me is that I love to dance, act and sing! When I’m not working you will find me reading, spending time with my friends and family or cheffing it up in the kitchen.

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